
How to handle the voids at the retirement age

Jack Yuen Jul 8 2020

What colour is the apple?

Jack Yuen Jul 10 2019
Get low and flat
bicycle Racingenlightenment

It does not matter where you are... what matters is how you got there

Jack Yuen Jul 10 2018
bicycle Racing

How to painlessly heal second degree road rash in 7 days

Jack Yuen Apr 21 2018
Memories are precious
bicycle Racingenlightenment

When you get to 60… how many more birthdays do you have?

Jack Yuen Jul 9 2017
Posts From the monthly archives: "September 2012"

How do you want to die?


My wife Shirley looked at me the other day and asked “How do you want to die?”….And it was not said in the midst of any fiery confrontation. My Dad had been under palliative care for quite a few weeks and his body was not giving up the fight – even though his mind was…(Read More)

The outside chance


The state championships were held over the weekend and whilst much of the results were expected, there were isolated cases where the outside chance prevailed. The mutant gene drives the evolution process in our world. It introduces something different to the status quo and eventually it re-shapes the form of our existence. The iPhone…(Read More)

Celebrities love making appearances and their fans perpetuate this illusion of greatness – but their external persona bears no resemblance to their true essence as unique human beings. My wife called me a vegetable the other day and I think she is spot on. However, I said that I preferred to be called an onion…(Read More)