There is a lot of measuring on a roof – so, my workers will answer “…with a Stanley 8 metre tape…” If a life coach asked you this question, it may take a while for you to compose an answer. There are many ways in which a life can be measured. Age. The number of…(Read More)
Well, maybe not between first and second – but here is usually a small handful of outstanding performers, then followed by daylight before the rest turns up. It was a good opportunity for me on Sunday to have a break from racing and just watch the action unfold. The A graders split up real early…(Read More)
We do not need the internet to survive – just as we do not need money to survive. Then why do we need the internet as much as money in this new era of technology that we are growing into? What does the INTERNET mean now and what will it mean in another 20 years…(Read More)
“Life wasn’t meant to be Easy…” uttered Malcolm Fraser and this iconic phrase has become Australian folklore. Politicians are famous for telling people what they want to hear and this was another opportunity for Malcolm Fraser to get more brownie points. What he should have said was “Life is easy – it is just not…(Read More)
I do a lot of driving – and it is all in the city traffic. Every now and then, I get to cruise on the freeways and this happened over the weekend when the Nationals were on at Marulan and Gunning. I have not had a need for a car with cruise control – but…(Read More)
The search for the meaning of life began way before Monty Python’s famous movie. And if life has a meaning – we would all know what is by now. The reason that human beings are still searching for the meaning of life, is the same as why the search still continues for the holy grail…(Read More)
The airplane code goes like this: When you get into trouble, you will be given help; That help will pop out of nowhere (actually in drops down from the overhead bulkhead): Everyone will be helped in a similar manner; There will be utter confusion – but take your own help first; Once you are OK,…(Read More)
We lead lives of confusion. Firstly, we are thrown into this place called earth without a manual of instructions. Then we are forced to bumble along until we die with a ‘help desk’ that is as useful as a call centre in India. Children copy parents whose instructions rarely picture their own behaviour. Teachers hand…(Read More)
There seemed to be a general consensus last weekend that Australians did not have a best Prime Minister to vote for. Whoever got into power was only second best. In the modern age of advanced education, endless opportunities and the power of personal choices, many in their prime lives are waiting for the ONE partner…(Read More)
We are going to the polls to choose a leader for our country this Saturday. Choosing where to put number 1 on the ballot papers seems an important decision – although this time round, number 1 is really only second best. Some of us are going down south for the Masters State Championships this weekend.…(Read More)