Life is full of self-doubt. We spend so much energy fighting our sense of insecurity that we have none left to savour the essence of life. Something weird happens when we start to back ourselves. There is no looking back and the forward motion is exhilarating. When Cadel attacked in the first mountain stage…(Read More)
The British Road team at the Olympics had a plan – and it was a good one. But the Australian and German teams also had their own plans. And I suspect everyone in the race had their own plans to win an Olympic medal. The problem was that all the plans were based on a…(Read More)
I know, if you are reading this – then you must be alive. But I found out the other day that there is a huge difference between being alive and feeling alive. With Le Tour live on SBS, I could not help but stay awake to see the finishing kilometres in the early hours of…(Read More)
I have a ‘one-tracked’ mind. In my teenage years, that used to mean what boys were obsessed with. Now, I am still single tracked – but on other things. All around us, in nature, we see plants and animals survive in their own niche. From the orchids in the wet tropical forests to the cactus…(Read More)
I do a lot of driving. And while sitting behind a truck the other day, I realised that we were all travelling along on air. Every vehicle had tyres and every one of those round things relied on compressed air to keep their rubber rolling along. Air is one of the ‘take for granted’ things…(Read More)
Like the weather. Last Monday’s Cervelo bike race at the Dragway was going to be on “rain or shine”. But the weather had other ideas and it brought on a flood. I told my wife that I was depressed all day because I missed out on racing on the Queen’s birthday holiday. While…(Read More)
A bike race presents the perfect backdrop to showcase the plight of opportunists. There are the ‘escapees’ who will stay out at the front of the bike race from the start – working all day to stay away…all hoping to make it to the finish line before the chasing peloton. Very often, these opportunists fail…(Read More)
Even though Can and Can’t are located on opposite sides of the ability spectrum, it is surprising easy to turn one into the other. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia proved this recently when it turned all their CAN’T billboards into CAN by the simple insertion of their CBA logo. Barry Mourad from the…(Read More)
According to the latest statistics, I fall into the minority. Male, over fifty and NOT having taken the Prostate cancer test. My family doctor looks at me with distain every time I meet her on the street – since I almost never visit her in her clinic. Unlike my wife Shirley (a blessing to the…(Read More)
“Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.” ― Lance Armstrong, Every Second Counts Lance was wrong when he wrote that “Quitting lasts forever”. Nothing lasts forever. In the classic fairy tale, the main characters go on to live happily ever after. Religions put out the lure of everlasting bliss for their believers. Enterprising sales people sell the…(Read More)