
How to handle the voids at the retirement age

Jack Yuen Jul 8 2020

What colour is the apple?

Jack Yuen Jul 10 2019
Get low and flat
bicycle Racingenlightenment

It does not matter where you are... what matters is how you got there

Jack Yuen Jul 10 2018
bicycle Racing

How to painlessly heal second degree road rash in 7 days

Jack Yuen Apr 21 2018
Memories are precious
bicycle Racingenlightenment

When you get to 60… how many more birthdays do you have?

Jack Yuen Jul 9 2017

When I was a young lad working in the fruit markets, one of my jobs was to stop the old lady ‘tyre kickers’ from handling the fruit that we had on display. Avocadoes were the worst – since the only way to know how soft and ripe they were …was to give it a hard…(Read More)

Nothing can stop the flow

As we go through life, we either get stuck or we are in flow. Athletes especially crave the feeling of being in the ZONE – where things seem effortless. As a businessman, I now see that ‘cash flow’ is a better indicator of the health of a business than its ‘value’. Rivers flow. We try…(Read More)

I was out having a bit of Turkish dinner and some dessert on Sunday night and the final screening of ‘The Block’ was on all the TVs in the restaurants. TV entertainment has shifted away from the manufactured shows and soap operas to ‘Reality Drama’.  But look deeply into any reality show and you can…(Read More)

This is how to slow your life down

It was 6.30am on a Monday morning. Weaving my way through the speed humps on Nicholson St in Burwood on my way to work in my ute, I was suddenly shaken to sense a speeding car overtake me on the narrow street. It was a seven series BMW and it did fly over the…(Read More)

The famous stage 16 fight

Pick a fight and expect to be bruised. I can remember my most recent fight with the gates of Rookwood Cemetery… and like most fights that I pick, I came out badly bruised and obviously lost the match. I did not really intend to choose a fight with a gate – it just happened. Although…(Read More)

How deep do you want to go?

Do you skim or go deep?


Nude Pics were the hot news of the week. And most of the feature news just dwelled on the surface of the issue. Naughty pictures on the internet are not new. Nor are the same style of exposure of some famous people (authorised or unauthorised) in the past. The uproar was that this time around…(Read More)

Try to be different

What comes first – the chicken or the egg? We live confusing lives. Especially if we choose to do it on the leading edge. In the world of commerce, businesses lead the way in making (and losing) money. So, an individual who wants to make money thinks that running a business is the way to…(Read More)

Why the blinkers?

I remember when I discovered polarisation. It was at an eye glass shop. I put on a pair of “Maui Jim” sunglasses and saw all sorts of colours where there was none before. The act of placing a flimsy piece of plastic between my eyes and my surroundings made me see things a bit differently…(Read More)

Variations makes faces unique

Every Sunday, I would attend a club race (last Sunday as an anomaly because I did a ‘Sunday Coluzzi’ in the eastern suburbs in lieu of racing at Heffron Park). Every day, I go to sleep in the same bed, wake up the next day, do my hygiene and fitness stuff, do some work, eat…(Read More)

Winning in the odds game

In my business, we replace roofs. A week or so ago, we stripped old terracotta roof tiles off a roof in preparation for the installation of a new colorbond metal roof. My guys make a bit of an early morning racket by proceeding to strip the old roof tiles off and chucking them a fair…(Read More)